Saturday 24 July 2010
Helen Loves... Tatty Devine
My name is Helen and I have an addiction.
A Tatty Devine addiction. I've had to ban myself from visiting the website because, somehow, things magically find their way into my basket. And then I accidentally click checkout. No good can come from that. If I had the money then I'd like to own pretty much everything they make but, unfortunately, I don't. There is one necklace missing from these pictures as my 'Senorita' necklace (see here) is currently on loan to my friend B. I don't like to play favourites with my jewellery but I think I do love that one the most.
The 'Sexy Legs' necklace is probably my least worn Tatty piece. It's a bit of an awkward length and the legs don't lie flat. Conversely, the Gilbert & George 'Gin' necklace is the one I've worn the most. I do love a G&T after all.
The 'Fishbone' necklace was my first ever piece of Tatty. I got it on sale and I still love it. Although I don't wear it that often because, with my long hair, it just gets hidden.
I've got two of the name necklaces that Tatty Devine make. A baby blue 'Helen' and a turquoise glitter 'Helsbells'. They may be one of the more expensive name necklaces on the market but they really are wonderful.
My latest addition! I wanted these swallows for ages but the price was just a little bit too high. Thankfully they were in the sale recently and, although still expensive, I decided to splurge. I adore them.
I'm currently coveting this Rob Ryan necklace (as it makes my heart ache just a little), the 'Chips' necklace (because I'm British and I do love good chips) and the gold 'Dinosaur' necklace (just because).
Do you own any Tatty Devine? Which are your favourites from the website?