Wednesday 23 December 2009

It'll be lonely this Christmas...


Are you spending Christmas with your loved ones this year? 

A family Christmas? A celebration with friends?

I've been looking forward to Christmas for weeks. But tonight all I can think about is those people who are spending it alone. Those people whose loved ones have passed on, or who are far away, or those who are estranged. I think my thoughts are partly because it's my first duty with the charity tomorrow. Who knows what calls I'll hear. Who knows how many people feel that they have noone else to turn to at this time of year. Christmas is a magnifier I guess, for both happiness and sadness.

I'd love to be able to get all the lonely people in the world together. To put them in a big room and let friendships form.

But I guess if I can be there, on the end of the phone, and if I can let just one person know that someone cares and that they're not totally alone in this world, then that's a start.