Sunday 28 December 2008

And to all a good night...


I am currently in possession of one extremely painful grazed knee. Sadly I'm not in possession of the memory of how it happened. I blame the new shoes, cobbled Cheshire streets and my own lack of grace. Whatever you do, don't mention the 'S' word. And by the 'S' word I mean Sambuca. Just typing the word brings me out in a cold sweat.

Moving on...

Christmas was lovely. Really lovely. Which came as a complete shock as there are normally at least two arguments by the time the first bucks fizz is popped and the first wrapping paper is ripped greedily from the present beneath. The day was calm, cheerful and completely uneventful. Bliss. A moment of hilarity ensued when, after having watched an hour and a half of Mamma Mia, my Dad suddenly noticed that all the songs were by Abba. Nil pois for knowledge of films, Dad. Nil pois. I got lovely presents, bar the ubiquitous gloves, socks and bath stuff. Yesterday was spent quite literally glued to Mario Kart and I'm now suffering from a severe case of Wii arm. Painful stuff, people.

I'm off to weep into my own hangover. Until i return, enjoy Suzy's Christmas Day rant. 'Poisonous button mushroom' and 'vinegar lips' being my personal highlights...

There was only one thing missing from my Christmas. Or should I say one person. Only 3 more days of 2008 left. Maybe then the slate can finally be wiped clean. My wish for 2009 is for forgiveness and a chance to be a better person. To erase the bad and create good. Do Christmas wishes come true?