Tuesday 5 May 2009

Nation Schmation

Roll up! Roll up! Come to the Circus!

So, did we all have a riproaring Bank Holiday?

My Saturday night was spent at Circus @ Nation in Liverpool (lineup here). I'd been really excited about it all week and was looking forward to dancing till the wee small hours and trudging home at dawn. Alas, once again, Nation let us down. The crowd, the venue, the bored looks on the faces of the DJs. All of the above were seriously disappointing. Yet I still managed to have a great time, mainly thanks to some half decent music and the company I was with.

The rest of the night/following day in bulletpoint form:
  • Gin and tonics. 47% export strength. Yum
  • C on his decks. My own personal DJ
  • Sefton Park at 8am. Tree climbing and nearly falling asleep underneath a particularly inviting tree
  • Series 1 of Monkey Dust
  • Series 1 of Flight of the Conchords
  • Peep Show (if comedy watching was an olympic sport I would win gold)
  • An episode of LOST that we talked over. I heart Desmond
  • Bacon sandwiches
  • More gin and tonics
  • Laughter
  • More laughter

So, all in all? Not too shabby at all. In fact, it was pretty darn awesome. The moral of the story? Making your own entertainment can sometimes be a lot more fun.

What was not so awesome was having to get up at 3.45 yesterday morning to deposit the parents at Manchester Airport. 3.45! am! On a Bank Holiday! The beasts.

What joys did the weekend bring you?