Sunday 6 February 2011

Helen Explains It All

Hello? Hello? Is there anyone still out there?

Yes, I am the world's worst blogger. Ten days without a post. Shocking. As I said a few posts back, I just really haven't got into the swing of blogging this year. Work is so so busy and, by the time I get home, I just want to get in the bath, catch up with house things and then sleep. But, I do love my little corner of the blogging world so much and I really do need to make an effort to get back into the habit of writing. And of taking more photographs. My 365, predictably, ground to a halt after about ten days. I just haven't been taking photographs. Of anything. Which is really unlike me and something I intend to rectify post haste.

This isn't an outfit post, obviously, but those boots, those tights, the cardigan and the skirt are my four big loves at the moment. Double polka dots for the win. Prepare to see a lot of them (if I ever start doing outfit posts again!) as I'm currently on a total spending ban. I was already going to do it but then Gemma posted about 'Frugal February' and it spurred me on even more. So I won't be buying any new clothes, any new make up, any shoes or any jewellery for the whole of February. In addition, I'm laying off the drink (after the amount of wine I unintentionally drank last night it's very necessary), stepping up my running and getting back on the healthy eating bandwagon. I've been naughty recently and need to get back to my willpower ways!

Oh, and the post title? A nod to the wonder that was 'Clarissa Explains It All'. If you've never heard of it then I'm just not sure we can be friends. Soz.

So, how've you been?

Boots - Dune
Tights - ASOS
Skirt - H&M
Cardigan - ASOS