Monday 24 January 2011

Last Week

1) Getting ready to go out on Friday night, wearing my new Me & Zena necklace. Love it.
2) Rain. Lots of it. One of the pitfalls of living in Manchester
3) Epic shoes. Reduced from about £90 to less than £20 in the Office sale. Be still my beating heart
4) My awesome friend Natalie sent me a package filled with American candy treats (let's not discuss the fact it took a month to arrive). Slimming World, I'm so sorry
5) New shower curtain and a new addition to my living room wall. The house is taking shape, very slowly but very surely

I've not really got into the swing of blogging this year. Sometimes life just seems to get in the way and I end up so tired that the last thing I feel like doing is sitting down and writing. I'd rather be watching endless repeats of America's Next Top Model and eating frozen berries. I fully intend to get back into the blogging habit though and there might even be an outfit post in the next couple of days or so. I know. Shocking.

So, how've you been?