Thursday 19 March 2009

Start spreading the news....

New York, New York!

In 18 days I'm going to New York. I can't quite believe it to be honest and I won't go into the logistics of it. But going I am! 7 nights and 7 days in the Big Apple. I've been before.... a long time ago. As in, pre-9/11. And I went with my parents. This time I'm going with C and I fully intend it to be a VERY different experience to the one I had with my parents. I'm old enough to drink, for one thing.

So this, dear reader, is where you come in. If you've been to New York I'd love you to leave me a few recommendations in that there comments box down below. Restaurants? Bars? Sightseeing? Anything else? We've not planned much as yet and are very open to suggestions (easy tiger). I'm sure I could read a lot of tourist guides and make a list as long as my arm of things to do but I'd like some input from real people, not books.

Inform me. I demand it.