Friday 10 June 2011

Five Things...

My new amazing Sugar & Vice necklace

1) I've got a new job. In Manchester city centre. Oh yes. I start on 4th July and I'm so excited I can barely contain it. Bye bye Warrington, hello spending endless amounts of money in the massive Arndale Topshop. I've been with my current firm for two and a half years and, while it's going to be incredibly hard to say goodbye to my friends here, I'm so ready for a new challenge.

2) In less than two weeks I will be in The Best Place On Earth (tm), aka Glastonbury Festival. Cider, pies, jerk chicken, sun (hopefully) and lots and lots of craziness. As there isn't one next year it has been decreed that this year's festival must be the ultimate lost weekend. I'm so excited I could pop. And probably will do, following excessive cider intake. Bliss.

3) I'm feeling happier and more positive than I have for weeks. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and realise exactly what you've got. I've spent so much of this year feeling bad about myself and questioning why I don't seem to be enough. You know what, I am enough. I'm more special than you'll ever know. I may be flawed but I am GLORIOUS. Swagger. Reinstated.

4) I'm completely in love with my house. In my yard I've got a hanging basket, some tomato, courgette and cucumber plants, a fuchsia in a pot and lots of herbs. Gardening is the new going out. Fact. I promise that there will be lots of house related posts in the near future, as it's finally getting into a state that is fit for photographs. FINALLY.

5) I started a Facebook page for Clear Your Heart. You can like it, if you like. I might eventually get around to putting some stuff up there one day.