Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Weekend #3

This weekend I:

  • Went to stay with my BEAUTIFUL friend Sammy. We ate vodka jelly shaped like a dog, danced to Rihanna in Clapham, laughed A LOT and ate far too much amazing food
  • Took lots of photos of Lola, one of Sammy's cats. So. Cute
  • Sat in the garden and basked in the London sunshine
  • Took approximately seven bazillion photos of us in the same pose. It's the scattergun approach. Take enough photos and one is bound to be nice. In theory. Soz about the cleavage shot by the way. My boobs cannot be controlled.

Not pictured: The three shots of black sambuca that we downed in quick succession on Saturday night; the Body Pump class that we did on Saturday morning... my thighs are still agony; The Chinese food we ate on Friday night... I think I ate approx eight ducks all by myself; The 12 episodes of Gossip Girl series four that we watched (Chuck 4LYFE); The extreme fatigue that resulted in me nearly missing my train stop on the way home.

How were your weekends, little ones?