Saturday 4 May 2013


- If you wear bright pink shoes, people will feel the need to comment on them.

- I am more than my job, although it doesn't always feel that way.

- Sunny Saturday mornings with nothing to do and nowhere to go are my idea of heaven. There has been coffee, a Masterchef marathon, raspberries, coconut yoghurt and catching up on my favourite blogs. Perfect.

- I miss New York. This is not helped by Alice's recent posts about her adentures, although I am loving them.

- In 8 weeks' time I will be merrily drinking cider in a big field with about 200,000 other people.

- In 9 weeks' time there will be a BOY living in my house and I cannot wait. Ask me again in 10 weeks' time.

- It is important to notice and be thankful for those small moments each day that both restore my faith in humanity and make me smile, inwardly and outwardly.

- Sometimes an inconvenient fit of hysterical laughter at something inconsequential is enough to get you through the day.