Saturday 16 April 2011

Weekend Loves

After a strange few months, today I feel completely and utterly in love with my life again. Which was how I felt pretty much every day last year. I've missed it. I'm not entirely sure what's happened, or what's changed, but I'm not questioning it. Sometimes, when things are getting to me, I think I just don't see that I actually have such a lovely life.

Things that make me terribly terribly happy:

--- My house. I was starting to question whether or not I'd made the right decision in buying it but, after a week spent away, I've never been more in love with it. EVERYTHING about it is delighting me today. The sound of post dropping through the letterbox, pictures I've painted and photographs I've taken on the walls, fresh fruit in my fridge, sunlight streaming through the windows, the fact I can make up elaborate dance routines to the new Britney album and not get judged, singing at the top of my voice while cleaning the bathroom. See? Everything!

--- Exciting plans for the next few months. London (x2), Take That, Glastonbury, Spain, days out, adventures and MORE. I long for camping in the countryside and days out to the seaside.

--- Leisurely Saturday mornings. So far this morning I've lain in bed for an hour after waking up (at 7am, WHY?!), been for a run, opened all the windows, watered my herbs and pottered around in the yard, eaten cereal and two apples, drunk peppermint tea, had a lovely chat with the Sainsburys delivery man, watched half of Saturday Kitchen and cleaned. I even enjoyed the cleaning. That's how much I'm enjoying this morning.

--- And..... Tom Vek - Nothing But Green Lights; MAC Russian Red lipstick; dried apricots (always and forever); homemade hummus (tip: always roast the garlic first); choosing wallpaper and paint (hello there middle age); the incredible light that streams through my bedroom window first thing in the morning; green tea (I could not function without it); nice text messages that make my heart beat that little bit faster.

What's rocking your world this weekend, my loves?