Sunday 18 November 2012
Sunday looks like...
I was contacted by the lovely people at Tilda and asked if I wanted to review their new limited edition British Curry Rice, developed by the lovely Dhruv Baker, of Masterchef fame. I was given a few recipes to choose from and I opted for the Salmon Kedgeree, which was EPIC. The Soldier and I thoroughly enjoyed it for lunch today. The rice is lovely and has flavours of coconut, curry leaf and coriander, with a bit of fragrant cinnamon and star anise. Yum.
The rest of the day has been spent fighting off the horrid cold that arrived just in time for the weekend. Typical. The Origins Make A Difference cream has been the only thing that has managed to save my poor face from being red, tight and horrendously dry and it comes highly recommended.
Those ridiculous gummy sweets are courtesy of my lovely American penpal and were consumed while leafing through the cookery books that I got for my birthday. I do love me a bit of Rachel Khoo.
I can't believe that the weekend is almost over! Tonight will mostly be spent trying to deny the fact that it's Monday tomorrow, in front of the television, with that wonderful L'Occitane candle burning. SO Christmassy it hurts.
Disclosure: I was sent the rice to review but received no monetary compensation for this post.