Thursday 8 March 2012
A Room With A View
So, it turns out that the time I used to spend blogging is now spent on telephone calls with The Soldier. When someone you love is going to Afghanistan in a matter of weeks then snatching every moment you can with them (even if it's only over the phone) becomes of paramount importance.
So, lack-of-blogging disclaimer aside, I'm still here. I'm still on Twitter, probably more than I should be given the stress levels induced by my job and I do still read blogs when I get the chance. Although I've narrowed my reader down to just my absolute favourites these days, given that time is scarce.
Last weekend myself and the Mr headed off to the glorious Lake District for 36 hours of absolute magic. We ate, laughed, drank, walked and experienced ALL THE WEATHER. Sun, fog, cloud, snow, rain, hail, sleet, wind. We had it all. And it was perfect.
I know, this post is a bit image heavy but I just couldn't cut it down any more! So, from top: A duck in Ambleside; sun cracking the clouds; Converse; the BEST burger ever (that picture isn't distorted, it was like a ball of meat in a bun) at the Wateredge Inn, again in Ambleside; the view from our room at The Lookout in Keswick; the ridiculously large bathroom with the most amazing bath; our in-room picnic <3; snow-topped hills and three dudes hanging out at Derwentwater; hot chocolate and beetroot brownie in Keswick; swans at Bowness.
Although we were only in the Lakes for a relatively short period of time it felt like a proper little holiday. The Lookout is the most wonderful little bed & breakfast and comes heartily recommended. If you can get a room that is, it's booked up until about the end of July! Waking up to a view like that made work, stress, financial woes and a myriad of other little problems seem so utterly insignificant.
The company was kind of magnificent too.
i love the weekend,
Joyful times,